• Who we are

    The Mascort Private Foundation, created in 2007 by its president, Ramon Mascort Amigó, was founded for the purpose of working on three key objectives:

The Mascort Foundation organizes temporary exhibitions at its main house in Torroella de Montgrí, the Casa Galibern, where, among others, pieces from the Mascort Collection are displayed. All the exhibitions are accompanied by a publication where, in addition to inventorying and classifying the works with the essential data, they are described and documented from a technical and critical point of view. Various digital resources, such as virtual tours, are also generated, available on this website.

The Mascort Foundation programs various activities, such as guided tours by the curators, or workshops for all audiences, directly related to the temporary exhibition. But it also organizes conferences and other activities of common interest to society.

The Mascort Foundation also publishes research studies and monographs on History, Art, Culture and Nature. In addition, it lends some of the spaces of the Casa Galibern to various entities that want to offer some activity related to its purposes.

It must be said that all activities are carried out without any kind of subsidy or help.

Another purpose of the Foundation is to provide aid, information and possible services to lovers of History, Art and Nature so that they can carry out research studies in accordance with the objectives of the Mascort Foundation.

The Patronage that manages it is very aware of the convenience of approaching young people, with offers that arouse their interest in everything that has been explained, and to be able to help, within their possibilities, those who feel the need to carry out their purposes, in these fields.

On the other hand, the Mascort Foundation has collaborated by sponsoring the edition of other works published by public and private institutions such as, for example, Nobleza Obliga. El arte de la casa en Barcelona (1730-1760), by  Rosa M. Creixell (PhD in Art History), jointly edited by the University of Girona and the University of Perpignan, in 2013. As well as other publications such as El retrat pintat. Imatge i pintura ceràmica, by Mercedes González Teruel (2018), 1000 anys de ceràmica catalana. Celebrant els 40 anys de l’Associació Catalana de Ceràmica, by the Butlletí Informatiu de Ceràmica (2021) and Rajoles de l’època del gòtic (Segles XIV-XVII). La col·lecció de Jordi Llorens i Solanilla, written by Josep A. Cerdà, Mercedes González and Pere F. Peuigderrajols (2024).

Also has collaborated in the publication of the Research Awards Premis de Recerca Joan Torró i Cabratosa. Ciències Socials i Medi Ambient from Torroella de Montgrí.

The Patronage

The Patronage is the governing body of the Mascort Foundation and is made up of representatives from various fields.

Ramon Mascort Amigó



Carmen Pascual Massaguer


Director of Companies and Tourist Activities

Jordi Sargatal Vicens


Director of the Aiguamolls Natural Park (1984-1998) and of the Fundació Territori i Paisatge (1998-2009)

General Director of the Mascort Group (2010-2023)

Rosa M. Creixell Cabeza

PhD in Art History - Specialist in Decorative Arts

Associate Professor in the UB Department of Art History, specializing in Museology and Museography

Joan Surroca Sens

Degree in History

Retired educator and museologist

Josep del Hoyo Calduch


Lynx Edicions Director (1989-2022)

Francisco Fernández de Villavicencio Álvarez-Ossorio

Economist - Tax Advisor