
Valentí Fargnoli (1885-1944)

De la fotografia artística a la Nova Objectivitat

Marta Grassot i Radresa


2013, 25 x 21 cm. Pag. 204

ISBN: 978-84-616-6928-8

The Mascort Foundation has just released a catalogue of the photography collection by Valenti Fargnoli that it preserves in order to provide a wider knowledge of this artist’s work. It shows 536 images of its own collection and 11 images from other archives.

288 of those images are kept in its original glass support and, among them, 230 images are considered to be unpublished because no other copy has been found in the most significant photography archives and collections that guard images by this photographer. Valenti Fargnoli became, thanks to his technical skills and sensitivity, an outstanding witness of the first four decades of the 20th Century in Girona. He cycled with a camera on his shoulder and captured landscapes, villages and towns, portraits, trades and industries as eternal.The images shown in the catalogue and exhibition include the years of his professional career: 1910-1944, ranging from Fargnoli’s most artistic side when he made photographs for contests, to his documentary interest and his avant-garde points of view/ creations.

The catalogue includes a content

The Mascort Foundation has just released a catalogue of the photography collection by Valenti Fargnoli that it preserves in order to provide a wider knowledge of this artist’s work. It shows 536 images of its own collection and 11 images from other archives.

288 of those images are kept in its original glass support and, among them, 230 images are considered to be unpublished because no other copy has been found in the most significant photography archives and collections that guard images by this photographer. Valenti Fargnoli became, thanks to his technical skills and sensitivity, an outstanding witness of the first four decades of the 20th Century in Girona. He cycled with a camera on his shoulder and captured landscapes, villages and towns, portraits, trades and industries as eternal.The images shown in the catalogue and exhibition include the years of his professional career: 1910-1944, ranging from Fargnoli’s most artistic side when he made photographs for contests, to his documentary interest and his avant-garde points of view/ creations.

The catalogue includes a content