
El retrat pintat

Imatge i pintura ceràmica

Mercedes González Teruel


2018, 21 x 21 cm. Pag. 250

ISBN: 978-84-947894-0-3

The portrait painted. Imatge i Pintura Ceràmica is the new book-catalog published by the Xàtiva City Council on the occasion of the eponymous exhibition, which can be visited from November 2017 to April 2018.

The exhibition, organized together with the Xàtiva Museum, Casa de la Enseñanza, is made up of around fifty ceramic pieces reflecting on the use of the ceramic support as a means of making a portrait, one of the most interesting and forgotten applications of the ceramics and their trades, throughout history. The pieces come from different private collections and from institutions such as the Víctor Balaguer Museum-Library in Vilanova i la Geltrú, the González Martí Ceramic and Sumptuary Arts Museum in Valencia, and the Mascort Foundation, in Torroella de Montgrí.

The portrait painted. Imatge i Pintura Ceràmica is the new book-catalog published by the Xàtiva City Council on the occasion of the eponymous exhibition, which can be visited from November 2017 to April 2018.

The exhibition, organized together with the Xàtiva Museum, Casa de la Enseñanza, is made up of around fifty ceramic pieces reflecting on the use of the ceramic support as a means of making a portrait, one of the most interesting and forgotten applications of the ceramics and their trades, throughout history. The pieces come from different private collections and from institutions such as the Víctor Balaguer Museum-Library in Vilanova i la Geltrú, the González Martí Ceramic and Sumptuary Arts Museum in Valencia, and the Mascort Foundation, in Torroella de Montgrí.