
Audàcia i Delicadesa

El moble de Torroella de Montgrí i L’empordà (1700-1800)

Mónica Piera i Miquel


2008, 30 x 25 cm. Pag. 450

ISBN: 978-84-612-2197-4

From long ago, the type of furniture so called “from Torroella” has been highly esteemed by those who appreciate the art of these pieces, which are significant for their beauty and moulded by the time of their creation.

There are still signs of the origin of this type of furniture transmitted by oral tradition, often amongst the families that have kept them for generations.

Although they have received the attention of a significant but brief study, up to now there was no thorough scientific research according to their high quality and well deserved value.

One of the purposes of the “Fundación Privada Mascort” from Torroella de Montgrí is to support and encourage the knowledge of art and decorative arts. From the Fundación, we wished to provide our support to the specialised author of the research work that results in this book. She has more than proved her knowledge, long professional experience and love for furniture. We hope the reader will enjoy and approve this book as we are very pleased with the results.

From long ago, the type of furniture so called “from Torroella” has been highly esteemed by those who appreciate the art of these pieces, which are significant for their beauty and moulded by the time of their creation.

There are still signs of the origin of this type of furniture transmitted by oral tradition, often amongst the families that have kept them for generations.

Although they have received the attention of a significant but brief study, up to now there was no thorough scientific research according to their high quality and well deserved value.

One of the purposes of the “Fundación Privada Mascort” from Torroella de Montgrí is to support and encourage the knowledge of art and decorative arts. From the Fundación, we wished to provide our support to the specialised author of the research work that results in this book. She has more than proved her knowledge, long professional experience and love for furniture. We hope the reader will enjoy and approve this book as we are very pleased with the results.