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    All the birds and mammals of the World

    30 years of Lynx Edicions

All the birds and mammals of the World

30 years of Lynx Edicions

Josep del Hoyo i Jordi Sargatal

This exhibition is the first to feature a hundred or so plates from two of the most important works published by Lynx Edicions: the Handbook of the Birds of the World, the first treatise in the history of science to study and include illustrations of all the bird species around the globe, and the Handbook of the Mammals of the World, which gives the very latest and most accurate information about all the mammals on the Earth.

Until 2 May 2021

Dilluns: 11 a 13:30h
Divendres: 16:30 a 20h
Dissabtes: 11 a 13:30h i 16:30 a 20h
Diumenges i festius: 11 a 13:30h

All the birds and mammals of the World. 30 years of Lynx Edicions

Virtual guide

All the birds and mammals of the World. 30 years of Lynx Edicions

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