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    1000 years of Catalan ceramics

    Celebrant els 40 anys de l'Associació Catalana de Ceràmica

1000 years of Catalan ceramics

Celebrant els 40 anys de l'Associació Catalana de Ceràmica

Alfons Romero Vidal i Josep A. Cerdà Mellado

The exhibition 1000 years of Catalan ceramics. Celebrating 40 years of the Asociació Catalana de Ceràmica, it has been organized by the Fundació Mascort and the Asociació Catalana de Ceràmica to commemorate the 40th anniversary of this entity (1980-2020).

Almost 300 pieces of china and pottery dating from the 10th to the 20th century have been collected, and which belong to various museums, foundations and private collections.

It is one of the most important exhibitions of Catalan ceramics that has ever been organized and a unique opportunity to see together some of the most outstanding productions.

Until 27 February 2022

Divendres: de 16:30 a 20:00 h
Dissabte: d'11:00 a 13:30 h i de 16:30 a 20:00 h
Diumenge i festius: d'11:00 a 13:30 h